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Fedele: “My album is all about self-expression”

In an exploration of the delicate interplay between profound impact and nuanced experimentation, Fedele carves a daring vision of contemporary machine music.

Photo credit: Fedele – Facebook

His sound, a fusion of the razor-sharp nuances of electro, the pulsating energy of techno, and a depth of emotional complexity, is deeply influenced by his background as a trained violinist.

Hailing from Bari, Italy, Fedele’s journey in the global dance scene has spanned from spinning hip-hop as a local DJ to becoming an internationally recognized artist. He started in the techno scene with the Agents Of Time trio, releasing works with labels like Correspondant, Ellum Audio, Afterlife, and their own, Obscura. He later embarked on a solo career, launching works on Turbo label and continuing with Obscura. His work uniquely combines his emotional and spiritual expressions with hardware-based production.

Recently, EG had the opportunity to delve deeper into Fedele’s world, discussing his latest releases, future projects, and creative pursuits. Throughout the interview, he shares insightful reflections on his personal journey, his released album ‘Depth Of Being’, his passion for hardware-based production, and his views on the evolving dance music industry.

EG: Hi, Fedele! Welcome back to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us again. Where are you at right now? How have you been?

Fedele: Hey there, it’s good to be back! I’m currently back in my hometown Bari, down in the south of Italy. I’ve been hanging out here for a while now, in between gigs and tours, just doing my thing. Everything’s going great! I’ve been putting in a lot of work on my music lately. It’s been really enjoyable. I’ve been busy assembling my album ‘Depth Of Being,’ shooting a music video, taking fresh photos, working on the creative side of things, and handling all the promotional stuff.

EG: First of all, thank you for your recent contribution to our EG Podcast Series! Tell us, what can fans of the series expect to find in this installment? How do you go about crafting recorded mixes?

Fedele: I like recording mixes at home, especially because I don’t do it very frequently. I interpret it in a very personal manner, and each set reflects the moment in which I am living. This time, I’ve included some exclusive tracks from my album as well as some of the music I’ve recently played on tour and, of course, inspirations. It’s a different approach to doing it than a live show. I take the time to thoroughly listen to the music and show the audience different aspects of me.

EG: And, of course, congratulations on the release of your new studio LP, ‘Depth Of Being’! What are some of your feelings right now? What has the initial reception been like so far?

Fedele: Yes! I’ve been working on this project for a long time and the moment has finally arrived. I’ve enjoyed every step of the process, from creating it to selecting the artwork and curating the whole creative direction. The response looks great, but what matters most to me is releasing this piece of my life as a milestone. It reflects me as an artist, my personality, and truly represents me and my idea of music.

EG: So, what’s ‘Depth Of Being’ all about? Is there a thread or concept interconnecting all 11 cuts?

Fedele: My album is all about self-expression. The music and both the title and the track names have deep personal significance for me, representing my emotional and mental state. Throughout the creation of this album, I went through different phases, including the desire to express myself musically, leaving behind my previous musical project, falling in love, and dedicating a song to my girlfriend, ‘Rommy,’ the main character who was by my side during the completion of the tracks. I truly put my heart and soul into this project.

In the album’s teaser video, I emphasize the concept I explore in my music. In today’s society, we often overlook meaningful aspects of life and fail to see what lies beneath the surface. I want to give a wake-up call in that sense and invite everyone to pause for a moment and reflect.

“The music and both the title and the track names have deep personal significance for me, representing my emotional and mental state”

EG: ‘Depth Of Being’ is actually your first full-length release since your departure from Agents Of Time. So, what was the recording process for this album like? Did it help you dive and connect even further inside?

Fedele: I would like to share the story behind it. The process started around 5 years ago when I was going through a personal struggle. I decided to move forward in peace and leave my past behind. Even though I was still involved in my previous musical project at the time, I chose to isolate myself to avoid distractions and focus solely on writing music. After doing some research, I found that Barcelona seemed to be the perfect place for me. A few days later, I rented a house and a studio, packed my old car with instruments, and headed to Spain. This marked the beginning of my album, which was definitely one of the highlights of my musical career. I was able to sit back and enjoy the process of discovering and reshaping my sound.

EG: What would you like for listeners to take away from the record? What would you say is the perfect setting to listen to ‘Depth Of Being’

Fedele: ‘Depth Of Being’ is intended for everyone, and I considered creating something that will endure over time. The ideal listening environment changes from track to track, particularly in terms of mood. Some tunes provide a terrific experience in a club sound system, transporting you anywhere with your mind, as well as actual music that you can enjoy at home, or in your car, or simply while traveling and listening to on headphones. What I hope listeners take away from it is courage. The courage to simply make it happen. Whatever your beliefs are, go for it without preconceived notions.

EG: Now, stepping outside of the studio for a bit…What do you think the future of electronic dance music looks like? Are all these innovations and big-screen festival performances bringing us closer or farther away from the music?

Fedele: Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how electronic music has evolved. In the past, electronic music events used to struggle to attract a crowd due to the divide between commercial and underground scenes. Promoters faced challenges and losses while striving to promote their passion. Now, the landscape has changed significantly. Electronic music has become mainstream, featured in movies, advertisements, and more. It has transitioned from a rebellious, unconventional movement to a widely popular genre.

The distinction between concerts, DJ shows, and festivals has blurred. Big-name DJs now draw crowds similar to those seen at traditional concerts. This shift has enabled electronic music artists to reach a larger audience, expanding into the realm of big stages and showbiz.

While big-screen performances have their merits, the problem today is that people are easily swayed by social media influence. Many attend events simply to showcase their presence rather than to engage with the music genuinely. I hope we can redirect the focus towards enhancing the experience, exploring new genres, and reviving the original purpose of these events—discovery, and openness.

The future remains uncertain, and big-screen performances will likely remain part of the entertainment scene for some time. However, trends are ever-changing. As someone passionate about music, I long for a resurgence of club culture.

EG: It being such a hot topic, how do you feel about the recent implementation of AI in the creative side of music? Have you explored any form of AI in ‘Depth Of Being’?

Fedele: I have always been fascinated by futuristic things, and now I’m experiencing it firsthand. I firmly believe that humans should maintain control and not allow machines to take over. I’m okay with using tools to expedite processes, but I always want my brain to be the driving force behind the operations. In my latest album, we incorporated technology,  although not AI just yet. An example of this is the music video that we filmed in Torino at my friend Nicola Di Meo’s new studio, Unspace. We utilized a special technology to shoot the video in a virtual set, which was truly incredible. The real-time rendering allowed the 3D background to change perspective based on the camera’s movements, making for an amazing effect.

“I truly put my heart and soul into this project”

EG: Finally, can you provide some insights into what’s next for Fedele? What can we expect from you in the coming months? Where can your fans catch you next?

Fedele: I am currently putting all my efforts into creating new music, exploring different genres, and collaborating with other artists. In the next few months, there will be some exciting releases, including singles and possibly even an EP. I’m also planning to perform at various events and festivals, so stay updated on my social media channels to know where you can catch me next. Keep an eye out for more updates and surprises!

EG: Thank you so much for your time, Fedele! See you on the dancefloor!

Fedele’s ‘Depth Of Being’ is now available on Obscura Records. Stream and download here.

Follow Fedele: SpotifySoundcloud | Instagram | Facebook

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