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Diving into the creative minds of Dancing on Lego

Soon to be known for singing striking hooks and creating groovy music for marathon dancers, Dancing on Lego with a memorable name and a fresh back catalog shows no sign of slowing down following their latest release.

Photo credit: Dancing on Lego – Facebook

Dancing on Lego productions draw inspiration not from the greatest or the trendiest, but from the quest for the perfect beat to get people dancing.

Their latest track, ‘Love Is Only Fun With You,’ has just been released through Monaberry. This track was born from a single day of intense creativity, transforming from breakfast to a playable demo in just eight hours.

EG had the opportunity to sit down with Dancing on Lego to discuss their new release, creative process, and future plans. They provided insights into their collaboration despite living on opposite sides of the globe, the importance of vocals in their music, and their perspectives on the impact of AI in the music industry. They also hinted at upcoming projects and performances, including a music video for their new single and several live shows.

EG: Hi, Robin! Oscar! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? Where are you right now?

Dancing On Lego: Hello, thanks for having us. We are happy and excited. At the moment, we are in our studio (N 57.71834°, E 11.97155°). Eagerly waiting for our new release to drop.

EG: Congratulations on the recent release of your new single, ‘Love Is Only Fun With You’! You must be stoked to have this one out. What has the initial reception been like so far? Do you remember the first time you played this one live?

Dancing On Lego: While this interview is taking place, we don’t know yet. We are pumped to see how people will respond to it – it’s a love song after all. We know that DJs have been requesting it even before we did the DJ promo and are playing it, and we’ve heard nothing but great things so far. We tried it for the first time at a rave. It was still a pretty bad demo version, but one girl ran up to the stage and said, “det här är bra skit” (Translation: this is some good shit). That felt really good.

EG: So, what can your fans expect to find on ‘Love Is Only Fun With You’? What’s the emotional trigger here?

Dancing on Lego: It’s a love bomb. If you’re reading this, please let us know if you felt anything after listening to it.

EG: And, what was the creative process for this one like? How do you guys manage to keep it going despite living on separate sides of the planet?

Dancing on Lego: We created this song almost a year ago, long before Oscar traveled to Asia. He’s home now, by the way. The creative process was pretty straightforward. We had a good day, went running and swimming in a nearby lake, and started off pretty early. After a good breakfast, we started working; lightning struck immediately, and we went into super-focus mode for eight hours straight. We had a playable demo after that. The hook is only a one-take, duplicated in harmonies, and became the foundation for the whole thing.

“We enjoy singing, and most of the time we have fun recording vocals”

EG: One of your distinct qualities as a duo is that you both are vocalists…How did that experience as vocalists come about? Were you involved in other projects prior to Dancing On Lego?

Dancing on Lego: We enjoy singing, and most of the time we have fun recording vocals. That’s the short answer. Sometimes we just do weird stuff like our song ‘Rom pom pom,’ and sometimes it’s a bit more serious. Mostly, it’s because it’s easier to create a fun hook than to create the perfect lead sound. The whole process of writing something new, actually hearing it, and then tweaking it is a fun process. Also, it gives the song a memorable identity. We were involved in different projects before Dancing on Lego, but Robin is the only one who has released music with his vocals before.

EG: And how do you feel about the importance of it throughout your own productions? How do you know when a moment works best for one or the other?

Dancing on Lego: Vocals are important for us and for Dancing on Lego. However, if the song doesn’t require a vocal, we won’t add one. The one singing in the track is often the one who came up with the hook, and most of the time we just layer our voices to create something new.

EG: Prior to Dancing on Lego, did you guys ever think “Well, I can already sing, so maybe I should look for a specialist in another area”? What was it that made you think “Yup, we’re a great match for this!”?

Oscar: Well, both yes and no. As a teenager, I loved singing live on stage with a guitar, but after discovering DJing, I immediately shifted focus and didn’t look back.

Robin: I’ve been singing on a lot of my productions over the years, but I don’t necessarily enjoy singing as a practice. However, I enjoy recording vocals. We ended up doing the vocal thing together when we were just goofing around, and it just clicked after we wrote ‘All Good Alright.’

EG: Now, on to another subject…Regarding AI, which seems to be such a hot topic these days…What’s your stance on this? Do you see it driving the scene forward? Has any form of AI been used in ‘Love Is Only Fun With You’ or any recent productions?

Dancing on Lego: It’s heartbreaking to know that all the creative souls around the world are now threatened by a machine that can produce similar quality to what they have spent years perfecting. Knowing that a lot of people are losing both their passion and income is disheartening. In our case, we try to use this topic as a reminder of how cool it is that we are creating our own art and how valuable it is to continue being creative.

We didn’t use AI when we created ‘Love Is Only Fun With You,’ but we have used AI plugins like Synplant. Honestly, every time we try using AI, it messes up the creative flow, and we end up doing it ourselves.

“Every time we try using AI, it messes up the creative flow, and we end up doing it ourselves”

EG: Finally, what can we expect from Dancing On Lego in the next months? Where can your fans catch you playing live?

Dancing on Lego: Well, we have a music video coming up for ‘Love Is Only Fun With You,’ we have a lot of music ready for the dance floor, and another release coming up in August on Jonas Rathsman’s label, Elements.

We have a couple of gigs this summer; at least one is together with Super Flu at our residency, Never Ending Project, in Gothenburg, and we are playing in Oslo, Norway, soon. We have more gigs coming up, but unfortunately, not all of them are announced yet. Check our Instagram for updates.

EG: Thank you so much for your time, guys! We wish you all the best for the future. Take care!

Dancing On Lego’s ‘Love Is Only Fun with You’ is now available on Monaberry. Stream and download here.

Follow Dancing On Lego: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram | Facebook

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