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Jenner: Harnessing the Darkest Hour

Jenner stands as a cornerstone in the thriving Toronto underground house music scene, gracing stages at renowned events and venues such as Coda, Vertigo, Parlour, Art for Art Festival, and Promise CherryBeach. Her international footprint extends across prestigious platforms including the Mayan Warrior at Burning Man, KaterBlau in Berlin, Gospel in New York City, Williamsburg Hotel Rooftop in Brooklyn, Perozah and Antik in Costa Rica, and SXM Music Festival in St. Martin.

Photo Credit: Jenner – Oficial

 Jenner’s unwavering commitment to her craft led her to refine her production skills, marking a significant milestone with her debut release ‘The World That You Know’ on Deep House Toronto alongside Mustafa Ismeaal in 2021. The track garnered considerable attention, amassing nearly 70k plays on Soundcloud, a testament to its resonance within the electronic music community. Building on this success, the artist’s eagerly awaited debut EP, ‘Release,’ in collaboration with Sydney Blu on Katermukke, further solidified her presence in the industry. This release paves the way for a series of upcoming solo productions and collaborations with internationally renowned musicians, showcasing her evolution as a formidable force in electronic music.

Following the debut of her new waterfront live session, EG caught up with Jenner to learn more about her incoming releases, the creation of her own music label, future endeavors, and more.

EG: Hi, Jenner! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? Where are you right now?

Jenner: Hello again! I am great. I am currently working in my studio in Toronto, Canada.

EG: How is your summer going so far? Any particular highlights?

Jenner: My summer has been amazing as I recently retired from my law practice to pursue DJ/producing full time and now I have the time to really focus on music production, etc. My highlights of the summer include playing Kater Blau in Berlin, Ibiza for Glenn Morrison’s Fall From Grace night, and most recently Electric Island in Toronto.

EG: By the way, congratulations on the release of your new waterfront live session. Thank you for letting us be a part of it. What has the initial reception been like so far? Any personal favorites from that session?

Jenner: Thanks so much to Electronic Groove for providing the platform to showcase this video which really highlights the beauty of the Toronto waterfront. Also, thanks so much to the videographers, Kian Massoudkhan and Reza Assadpour for all their hard work in creating such a beautiful video. The initial reception has been great and very supportive. My favorite part of the session was dropping the track ‘Cenote’ by DJ/producer Sainte Vie at the 39-minute mark, just as the sun was setting and the sky was a magnificent purple haze, it was so beautiful.

EG: Since we’re congratulating, congratulations on the incoming drop of your two-track EP on Natura Viva! What has the initial reception been like so far? Do you remember the first time you played these cuts live?

Jenner: Thanks so much! I dropped ‘Devil on the Dance Floor’ last year at Coda, Toronto and the reaction was very supportive. Early support on both tracks has been very positive.

“My summer has been amazing as I recently retired from my law practice to pursue DJ/producing full time and now I have the time to really focus on music production, etc”

EG: Creatively speaking, what’s your process in the studio like by now? Do you have some “go-to” things/techniques that help you on your way to shape your own sound?

Jenner: My process in the studio usually begins with midi and a synth and just messing around until I find something that’s interesting. The synths really do make all the difference. It can be a very time-consuming exercise but it’s always worth it in the end.

EG: Since we’re on the releases front…is there anything else you can anticipate release-wise in the near future? Any new collaborations?

Jenner: I have an original track, ‘Audeo’, that will be released on the Stripped Digital label in early January 2025 with remixes by Circulation and Luze. In addition, I have another original track, ‘Euphoria’, remixed by Gai Barone, and ‘Nicoya’, remixed by Waltervelt, to be released in the near future. The ‘Euphoria’ remix was featured on John Digweed’s Transitions 1027 back in May.

EG: And what about what will be Darkest Hour Records? What motivated you to push this project and what can we expect from the label?

Jenner: I have been working hard in the studio for the last year and have many original tracks ready to go but the timelines for labels are a bit frustrating so I decided to take the leap and start my own label. This way, I am able to release a consistent stream of music and eventually, I would like to provide a creative output for both emerging and established artists alike who share my artistic vision and sound.

EG: Now, on to one of those hot current subjects…What’s your stance on AI? Do you see it driving the scene forward or is this one of those innovations that just take us backwards? Has any form of AI been applied in your recent productions?

Jenner: I don’t use AI and I don’t believe that I will be using it in the future but I can’t say that with 100% certainty. I’m sure that it will become mainstream, but I’m hoping that it won’t be for a while. I prefer human-made art.

“I have been working hard in the studio for the last year and have many original tracks ready to go but the timelines for labels are a bit frustrating so I decided to take the leap and start my own label”

EG: Finally, what can we expect from Jenner in the next months? Where can your fans catch you playing live next?

Jenner: I will be playing Harvest Festival, which is the weekend of September 13th-16th. It is an annual 4-day event set against the backdrop of a Midlothian Castle and its unique Screaming Head sculptures located about 2.5 hours north of Toronto near Burk’s Falls. I will also be playing at Coda in Toronto on October 25th alongside Maya Jane Coles, Sydney Blu & Carrera & Tavares.

EG: Thank you so much for your time, Jenner! We wish you all the best for the future. Take care!

Jenner: Thanks so much! Always a pleasure being connected to EG.

Follow Jenner: SoundCloud | Instagram | Spotify | Facebook

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