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CISUMMI unveiled: Crafting global cultures in the heart of NYC

CISUMMI, a Brooklyn-based DJ and producer, boasts a musical journey as diverse as his sound. Blending influences from France, Spain, and Benin, his distinct sonic landscape intertwines African beats, Latin rhythms, and European house into a vibrant celebration of global cultures.

Photo credit: CISUMMI – Official

From his early days in iconic Parisian nightclubs to his current status as a rising talent in New York City’s electronic music scene, CISUMMI’s career has been marked by constant evolution and innovation. His 2022 debut EP ‘Oya’ garnered international acclaim, while his recent release ‘Dikebo’ on Moblack Records has caught the attention of industry heavyweights and playlist curators alike.

In this exclusive interview, CISUMMI opens up about his latest EP ‘VIDA,’ a project that showcases his ability to fuse Latin house with Afro-Cuban elements. He also shares insights into his creative process, his views on AI in music production, and his upcoming tour plans. Join us as we delve into the world of an artist who’s not just making music, but creating a sonic “ode to all ethnicities.”

EG: Hi, CISUMMI! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? Where are you right now?

CISUMMI: Hi EG, thank you for having me. I am doing great. I am currently in Paris’s airport waiting for my second flight to NYC. Like many artists, airports are our second home.

EG: How is your summer going so far? Any particular highlights?

CISUMMI: Summer! This season has always been busy for me. It is my favorite one because this is the time of the year when you can perform from Monday to Sunday. Many venues are open 7/7 to provide music to the people on holiday, and you get to play the coolest outdoor gigs! Yeah, I headlined a beautiful show in Cartagena and also played at home on one of the best rooftops in Brooklyn. Last but not least, I shared the deck with two talented artists from the Afro scene whom I admire, Kasango and Musa Keys.

EG: Congratulations on the release of your latest EP, ‘VIDA’! You must be excited to finally share this one. What has the initial reception been like so far? Do you remember the first time you played these tracks for a live audience? (If you have)

CISUMMI: Man, I feel blessed! I started this project in 2021 but had to put it on pause because I was not satisfied with the different versions I had. I held it for a while and resumed the project when I got inspiration, which occurred after my first trip to Colombia in Feb 2023.

So far, reception has been good among the few artists who received the promo link. I am told that ‘VIDA’ tastes like fresh dragonfruit kombucha! Sweet, original, and fizzy, bringing you the energy you need and taking you on a musical adventure. It makes me happy because feedback matches my vision of that track back when I started it. I remember like it was yesterday, I was headlining at Gospel in NYC, the track was just finished a few hours before the show, and I told myself, “Add it to your playlist and you will see.” At some point during the night when the vibe was high, you know when you feel that moment, I just played it and the magic happened. I could see people smiling, dancing, bringing the vibe to a climax, others in the DJ booth peeking at the CDJs or trying to Shazam. Those are the signs of a potential banger.

EG: So, what can your fans expect to find on ‘VIDA’? Is there a concept or emotional trigger driving this one? What was the creative process for this EP like?

CISUMMI: ‘VIDA’ is an audio journey to the Latin American region. The concept  is to blend Latin with house music, adding a glimpse of Afro to make it very lively. To come up with this result, I had to first set the base and decided to use a piano tumbao typical of Afro-Cuban music. From there, you add Latin percussions and electronic elements to make it Latin house, and you finish with a lead trumpet, a marker from Salsa music. I struggled adding the Afro touch, ending up with this balafon from West Africa, known as xylophone in our region, in the second part of the track.

“‘VIDA’ tastes like fresh dragonfruit kombucha! Sweet, original, and fizzy, bringing you the energy you need and taking you on a musical adventure”

EG: What was it about ‘VIDA’ that made you think that the idea could provide different versions and still work?

CISUMMI: Once I was satisfied with the final version of the original mix, I decided to compare it with the first version I had back in 2021. I realized that both versions would fit different scenes: The original mix version has a more electronic touch and, according to me, fits better in a club, versus the Latin Mix, which has more organic elements and can spice up daytime outdoor events.

EG: And ‘VIDA’ is out on Sparrow and Barbossa’s Tortuga label. What drew you to Tortuga for this project?

CISUMMI: Tortuga is developing an uprising genre called Caribbean house, and because of the color, vibe, and sonorities of ‘VIDA,’ it was a natural choice to sign the project with this label.

EG: Since we’re on the release front… we’ve been told that you have a couple of collaborations in the works. Is there anything you can anticipate with us?

CISUMMI: Oh, I see you! You guys are confirming that EG is very well-informed among the music industry. I do have a nice collaboration with &friends coming soon called ‘Gbayi’ — it means ‘Super’ in Yoruba. I am stoked about this one, and you can count on me to make a lot of noise with it!

EG: Now, on to one of those hot current subjects… What’s your stance on AI? Do you see it driving the scene forward? Has any form of AI been applied in your recent productions or ‘VIDA’?

CISUMMI: On a general topic, it was a question of time until AI would arrive in our lives. On a musical aspect, I really think that it will bring music to a whole new world. I really do see it driving the scene forward. I think that associating AI with the human brain can enhance creativity. Artists performing live and being assisted by AI will be able to give new experiences to their fans. AI used correctly will benefit the music industry, and like any new technology, it will create new jobs, new careers, and new opportunities — we will just have to see and take them. I am using AI in sound design; it helps me to come up with new sounds and textures.

“AI used correctly will benefit the music industry, and like any new technology, it will create new jobs, new careers, and new opportunities — we will just have to see and take them”

EG: Finally, what can we expect from CISUMMI in the next months? Where can your fans catch you playing live?

CISUMMI: In the next few months, I will start my tour to promote ‘VIDA’. As an artist, I need those times out of the studio to connect with my fans. I will be performing in Mexico, Paris for fashion week, and Madrid. Everything is announced on my social media, so I invite everyone to check my Instagram  as more dates will be announced soon.

EG: Thank you so much for your time, CISUMMI! We wish you all the best for the future. Take care!

CISUMMI: Thank you for having me. I had a nice time and appreciate the support. See you on the dance floor! Cheers!

CISUMMI’s ‘VIDA’ is now available via Tortuga. Stream and download here.

Follow CISUMMI: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram | Facebook 

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