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The ‘Sleepless’ journey: Uncovering Alonso Rivero’s sonic vision

Alonso Rivero, a notable figure in electronic music, is a native of Mexico City. His musical journey began with drums and percussion at age 11 and later included piano, guitar, and finally, synthesizers.

Rivero spent his early adult years in the alternative music scene of the 2000s. He found his true passion in the resurgence of electronic music in Mexico, which allowed him to excel as a DJ, curator, event organizer, and sound engineer, making a lasting impact on the country’s underground clubs and festivals.

In 2013, Rivero began music production. He drew inspiration from Adriatique, Radiohead, and Dépêche Mode. His ethereal tracks, a mix of melodies and pulsating rhythms, came to fruition during his 2017 residency at Burning Man’s Maxa Camp. There, he developed a distinctive sound system for the Deer Art Car. In the same year, he established Fractal Studio in CDMX, a hub for musical innovation. Rivero’s debut album, ‘Rise,’ was launched in 2019 on Trajinera Records. This paved the way for collaborations with artists such as Carlita and Coss.

Today, Rivero continues to experiment with music. His new 3-track EP, ‘Sleepless,’ is set to be released in July 2024 on Roderic’s Dafne label. His commitment to artistic exploration is solidifying his legacy in the global electronic music community.

Read on to find out more about Rivero’s latest release, as well as his future projects and endeavors in this exclusive interview with EG.

EG: Hi, Alonso! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? What have you been up to?

Alonso Rivero: Hey guys, doing good, just cooking up some fresh beats, playing some shows, and gearing up for the next release with Dafne Records.

EG: First of all, congratulations on the release of your new ‘Sleepless’ EP! How are you feeling about this one? What has the initial reception been like so far?

Alonso Rivero: Thanks a lot! Feeling pumped about this one ‘Sleepless’ it’s a mashup of different vibes. The feedback’s been positive, and I’m really vibing with these tracks.

EG: So, what can your fans expect to find on your ‘Sleepless’ EP? Is there a concept or thread running across these three tracks?

Alonso Rivero: The audience can expect a whole new sound journey. These tracks have a certain flow between them, but each brings its own flavor, from indie vibes to sultry downtempo and some synth action. Still chatting with the label about potential remixes, so stay tuned.

EG: Where do you usually go to for inspiration? What sort of things trigger you and in which ways are you able to translate them into music and sounds?

Alonso Rivero: Inspiration hits me in different spots. Sometimes it’s just jamming on the piano at home, other times it’s locking myself in my studio in Mexico City. I’m always jotting down ideas on the fly, but there’s something about being in the studio that really gets the creativity flowing. For me, It’s all about sitting down and working, no magic tricks.

“For me, It’s all about sitting down and working, no magic tricks”

EG: Let’s rewind for a bit…You ventured into music as a percussionist, right? When did decide to give electronic music a go? Was there a record or a show that pushed you down the rabbit hole?

Alonso Rivero:  Yeah, drums were my first love, but when I got my hands on a synthesizer, it was game over. The first one I had was The Moog Sub-37 and it blew my mind with its endless possibilities. I think some nights in Tulum may have had something to do with it, too. I was already DJing, but the electronic side took over.

EG: And now you own and manage the Fractal studio in CDMX. What is the studio up to these days?

Alonso Rivero: Fractal Studio is buzzing with creativity. It’s a space for anyone to come and collaborate, regardless of style or genre. We also host classes for those looking to dive into electronic music production or performance.

EG: Now, stepping outside of the studio for a bit…What do you think the future of electronic dance music looks like? Are all these innovations and big-screen festival performances bringing us closer or farther away from the music? What does the scene look like where you’re at?

Alonso Rivero: The future of electronic dance music? It’s always evolving. Visuals are cool and all, but for me, it’s all about that raw connection with the music. Sometimes the best moments happen with your eyes closed. We’re all guilty of getting lost in our phones instead of living in the moment.

EG: It being such a hot topic, how do you feel about the recent implementation of AI in the creative side of music? Have you explored any form of AI in your new ‘Sleepless’ EP?

Alonso Rivero: Nah, no AI on this EP. But I’m cool with it, it’s just another tool in the box. Remember when MIDI was controversial? Now everyone’s using it. It’s all about how you use the tech responsibly.

“We’re all guilty of getting lost in our phones instead of living in the moment”

EG: Finally, can you provide some insights into what’s next for Alonso Rivero? What can we expect from you in the coming months? Where can your fans catch you next?

Alonso Rivero: Catch me in Europe this summer, hitting up spots like Ibiza, Lisbon, London, and Berlin. Excited for the EP drop on Dafne Records too. And of course, I’ll be cooking up more beats in the meantime.

EG: Thank you so much for your time, Alonso! See you on the dancefloor!

Alonso Rivero: Thanks, guys! Can’t wait to vibe with you on the dancefloor!

Alonso Rivero’s ‘Sleepless’ EP will be out in July 2024 via Dafne Records. 

Follow Alonso Rivero: Spotify | Soundcloud | Instagram | Facebook

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