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Aner a string of releases that cemented their posi’on as upstart alchemists of richly textured, forward-thinking club music, Argen’nian ar’sts extraordinaire Last Men on Earth and

Agus’n Giri con’nue their trajectory with a delicate juxtaposi’on of organic overtones and shuddering electric contor’ons. ‘Silencio’ delivers a unique blend of hypno’c Electronica with three originals and two re-imagina’ons by Elif and Mila Stern for Kiosk ID no. 029.

Seqng cycling polyrhythmics to a heavy acous’c breakbeat, ‘Silencio’ is an arrul nod to the threesome’s roots in Experimental Rock. Erra’cally looping square waves, eerie resonances, and mangled synth sweeps weave a mul’chroma’c tapestry of coalescing harmonics that channel a razor-sharp soundscape.

Mila Stern’s rendi’on strips the original  to a minimal throb, denly supercharging its resona’ng wavetable aesthe’cs with pitching metallic salvos and cascading bells.

Elif delivers a thundering four-to-the-floor remix that transforms the original’s sweeping erup’ons into high-energy bursts with ravey, floor-focused joie de vivre.

On‘Usefool,’thetriochannelsafrene’csenseofvola’litythroughboundlesseclec’cism. Deepchords, subduedacidlines,erup’vevocalchops, andabooming Electrobeat effortlessly cross moods and genres, merging into a choppy, decep’vely deep block party smasher.

‘The Sirens’ submerges the listener in a glistening ocean of bells, ricoche’ng drum paQerns, and silky ambience. Darkly muted breakdowns imbue the track with cinema’c power in a bold amalgama’on of stripped rumble and blissful tranquility.

There’s something quietly revolu’onary about how Last Men on Earth and Agus’n Giri draw on every sound at their disposal and end up with a strikingly musical and harmonic release that doesn’t feel overdone. ‘Silencio’ is boldly refreshing, cap’va’ngly musical, and a pioneering achievement at the bleeding edge of electronic music.

Release date:   July 26th, 2024.


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