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Kodama are spirits of the forest, who in the Japanese belief live in trees and protect them. Alexandre’s (dayoutoftime) idea for the song was that the inspiration of these beings can be channeled and turned into music – like listening to Radio Kodama. During the lockdown we have walked in the forest every day. The experience that a negative mood gets absorbed there and you would somehow come out positively charged and with a clearer mind has helped us in these strangetimes. We’ve also found the magic place which you can see in the video. The mirror as a symbol plays an important role: We see ourselves when we are outside. The question where we end and where “nature” begins becomes superfluous. The seemingly chaotic mess turns out to be a perfectly aligned organism which seems to breathe and includes us naturally.

apanorama is an electronic duo from Nuremberg. Nora writes the songs on the piano, Michael implements them into electronic music in his studio. Nora’s experimental, polyphonic vocals (for which she uses a loop machine), driving beats and spheric synth harmonies create an intimate and danceable atmosphere at their live performances. Their first album momentum with eight songs were produced in collaboration with Jan Kerscher at Ghost City Recordings in spring 2018.

Now they are working on new songs with producer Gleb Lasarew. The release is expected in spring 2021.

Release date: July 10th, 2020.



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