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The moniker MANTi is Tehran-born Mana Nabati’s outlet for darkly rolling and mesmeric House and Electronica. With ‘Eureka,’ the Los Angeles-based artist conjures a warmly phasing world of arcing synth swells, blazing arpeggios, and ricocheting Electronica for Kiosk ID no. 028.

Thundering pads, suspended vocal drones, and mangled synth sweeps create a crushing sense of gravitas on ‘Eureka.’ Fizzing white noise drums and a reverential synth hook strobe across the stormy firmament, transforming the shadowy ambiance into a forceful Electronica anthem. Murat Uncuoglu’s rendition channels the original’s colossal sweeps into cycling stabs and impacts set to a rolling groove, recasting ‘Eureka’ as a choppy and electric club smasher.

With ‘Eureka,’ MANTi weaves a captivating auditory story oscillating between crushing darkness and radiating light. Mangled swells, cascading breaks, and bright rays of angelic synth work merge into a dynamic blend of mesmeric and thought-provoking Electronica.

Release date: June 28th, 2024.


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