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The setting of the trilogy is an initially dystopian-seeming world where dancing is diminishing. It shows the authentic hero’s journey of protagonist Patrizia Battistella (voice of 1zimmerapartment) across the dance floor. Situated between history and fiction, documentary sequences mix with dramaturgical sound patterns.

The melodrama by Mike S. kicks off with the classical techno production ‘Tanzen (Disco Lazer Mix)’. The powerful composition immediately induces dance stimulation, the increasing dynamism promises hope. ‘Tanzen (Liebe Mix)’ focuses on interview recordings. Unidealized musical sequences de-mythify dancing as the ultimate answer, yet warm harmonies affirm an optimistic outlook. ‘Tanzen (Disco Lazer Instrumental)’ comes without any audio comments. The exhilarating carefreeness leaves the sensation as if nothing ever happened.

Release date: May 24th, 2024.


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