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The “Time Is A Slice Of Forever” EP by Niju represents our first ever original film soundtrack release on the Kiosk I.D label.

To a certain extent at least, you just have to imagine the film that fits to this music. If you were, for a moment, to shun all the flickering screens around us by closing your eyes and allowing the images of said movie to dance on the inside of your retinas.

Euclidean Street (Original):
Our protagonist is struggling through a thick forest. The sun breaks through the sparse interruptions in the foliage, illuminating the path, radiating the way. Covered in sweat, our protagonist smiles despite his labours knowing the sun is patient.

Piano Lesson – Black Pearl Mix:
He has reached the edge of the forest. An enchanted moor stretches off to the horizon. Pink blossoms scratch at the clouds. They smell like coffee and honey. The shoes are heavy – we move in slow motion.

The king of the moors – the vainest toad in the world wearing a turquoise Fedora – shows us the way. Someone turned the fog machine up to 11.

Corners of my Dreams (Original):
He can finally move on solid ground again and runs toward the sun with a spring in his step. Someone throws him a white towel. It is the softest in the world, washed with the finest fabric softener of all time – the tears of joy of young koala bears.

Ocean Drive (Original):
A short rest in a wood-paneled restaurant. Inside, desert air moves gently, even though it is cold outside.

He ponders this as he orders a mellow whisky – after the third glass he understands.

Piano Lesson (Ninze RMX):
He goes to sleep, dreaming of hotel towels. Visions of young koala bears sunk in a pillow fight – in majestic slow motion.

Corners of my dreams (Rampue version 5.0):
The koala bears have had some coffee and are giving our protagonists fitness tips. In order to make it to the goal, he has to do cardio. The oldest of the young koala bears gives him his prized sweat band as a parting gift.

Finally arriving at his destination, our protagonist sorts out his conquests: the encrusted shoes, koala Bear headbands, soft towels and a bottle of the mellow whisky. He leans back, opens the bottle and whispers quietly: What an adventure!

Release date: November 5th, 2021.


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