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The talented Brazilian DJ and producer Nine One returns to Sprout with ‘Rainforest’, a great release also featuring Black Seed, and a wonderful remix from Stan Kolev.

The title track fuses dark and light, as this powerhouse drives along, yet full of emotive layers, but darker twists. the energy flows alongside its key changing and atmospheric flavours. The beautiful breakdown adds another slice of dreaminess before returning to its full glory for a peak time dance floor moment.

‘Black Seed’ is a great chunk of melodic techno, with its bubbling bass, its dirty twists and turns and acidic hints, while the melodics glisten through adding further texture.

Rounding things off Stan Kolev remixes ‘Rainforest’. His work has graced The Soundgarden, UV, Outta Limits and Bonzai, and was the ideal candidate to work his magic. Utilising the melodics from the original, but bringing oput the energy even more, this rework is a thing of beauty for the dance floor.

Release date: March 28th, 2020.


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