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Weska is back with a Third Wave and it’s a monster! 
After years building a career and getting music signed to everyone from 
Drumcode, Suara and Tronic, travelling the globe with gigs in Australia,
 Canada and all over Europe, and appearing as part of the mighty Drumcode
 showcases, it’s safe to say Weska is right on the cusp of his career.

‘Timespan’ is a darkly melodic bruiser for the late-night industrial crowds.
 Rolling bass and sizzling hats ride the rhythm as saw-toothed dystopian
synths create atmosphere and intrigue. Spoken word vocals and a melodic
key line add spice midway, then its heads down and stomp until dawn.

Another intense slice of production is found with ‘Excess’. A heavy low end
and sparse percussion make way for dark synths and an overall feeling of
foreboding. Closing out the EP is a staple track during Adam Beyer’s spring
and summer festival sets, appearing at Time Warp, Awakenings,
Tomorrowland and Junction 2, too name a few. ‘Your Beat’ takes a more
stripped back approach, vocal adlibs, sporadic sonic FX, and a heavy beat.

Release date: March 20th, 2020.


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