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Time Warp Brasil celebrates 30 years of making us dance

We had the opportunity to attend the Brazilian edition of Time Warp, held on May 3rd and 4th in a well-connected location in the heart of São Paulo. The venue, Vale do Anhangabau, was easily accessible by public transportation and had ample parking for those who preferred to drive. The event’s line-up stood out for the sounds and musical diversity of artists such as Chaos On CBD, Chris Stussy, DJ Seinfield, I Hate Models, TSHA, DJ Holographic, Hércules & Love Affair, HAAi, Mochakk, Black Coffee, Richie Hawtin, and the seductive back-to-back of Eli Iwasa and Valentina Luz, among others.

Photo Credits:  Jorge Alexandre / Angelica

The vibrant crowd of techno and house enthusiasts that gathered that night was a testament to the festival’s appeal. The energy was palpable, with everyone eager to immerse themselves in the diverse musical offerings that would continue until dawn. What truly stood out was the festival’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity, providing safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community to fully embrace their freedom and enjoy the festivities.

The sets that we loved the most were those of Chris Stussy, TSHA, HAAi and Chaos on CDB, to whom we had the opportunity to say hello to. Their performances were energetic and engaging, and they interacted with the audience, creating a unique and memorable experience. These personal interactions with the artists not only enhanced our experience but also made us feel more connected to the event. Likewise, we were able to chat with Eli Iwasa who told us that she will soon launch her label and that this summer we will be able to find her at HÏ Ibiza at the parties of her friend the DJ and producer Vintage Culture.

As for other spaces, we were able to highlight a wide gastronomic offer at the party, all at affordable prices, but above all, foods with a lot of flavor. The food stalls offered a variety of options, from local Brazilian cuisine to international favorites, ensuring that there was something for everyone. The bar, security, and registration staff were friendly and respectful, always willing to advise and help attendees. Likewise, people could find a middle point between the two main stages in which they could rest and recover for the next dance that would most likely last until dawn to the rhythm of Mochakk and Black Coffee.

Entourage Brasil once again demonstrated its great ability to present top-quality events, logistics, infrastructure, organization, and musical curation. The festival was well-organized, with clear signage and helpful staff to guide attendees. The stages were set up in a way that allowed for easy navigation, and the sound and lighting were top-notch. They were on point.

Don’t hesitate to follow Entourage Brasil to learn about the super parties they have planned this year!

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