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Marino Canal shares some of his favorite tunes

Marino Canal has carved his own staple sound in the techno scene through a stream of solid releases. His debut album ‘Over Under’ received praise from Adam Beyer, Nicole Moudaber, Joris Voorn, among others, reaching Beatport’s Top 10 Techno releases. His most recent works include a tight collaboration with Nicole Moudaber’s MOOD Records. His productions are best described as organic, hypnotic and melancholic.

We asked Marino some of his favorite tunes aligned to the release of his latest album ‘Over Under’.

01. Prince Of Denmark – Live At Planet Uterus

“This might look like cheating, or not.. as this mix sounds just like a 1 hour track.. Prince Of Denmark is my #1 artist right now. This is a flawless cinematic listening experience and everyone should hear it.”

02. Message To Bears – Never Be (Tom Adams Remix)

“I discovered Tom by chance when i was watching a video of Nils Frahm’s introducing his new Una Corda piano in Berlin. I love Tom’s music, there are some more gems in his Soundcloud page so make sure to check that out.”

03. Jens Zimmermann – No 6 (Nimbit Music)

“I remember first hearing this track around 2012.. It took him quite a few years to release it but it finally came out last year. I’ve followed Jens for a long time, all of his productions speak to me and I find his music outstanding. One of my favorite artists.”

04. Hypoxia – Active Tension (Bl_k Noise)

“Drumcell has been releasing techno for quite a while but this ambient side of his is amazing. All the tracks are made on an analog modular synth. I could listen to this for days, his debut EP as hypoxia came last year as a vinyl and digital release on Bandcamp.”

05. Slam – Cirklon Bells (Edit Select Remix)(Soma Recordings)

“A suggestive remix from Edit Select, dreamy and hypnotic. It feels like a story I’d like to get lost into.”

06. Ovend – Marathon 3 (Ahrpe Records)

“Another one from Bandcamp of course. This is one of my favorite acid tracks, contemporary yet reminiscent of the old classics.”

07. G.R.I.T. – Closure (Rohs! Records)

“I’ve been turning to Bandcamp to find great music and you should too! This is a good example of why I keep coming back to Bandcamp. Gorgeous track, very obscure artist.”

08. Joachim Spieth – Evaporate (Affin LTD)

“I’ve found myself listening to a lot of hypnotic atmospheric techno and this is one of my favorites in that genre at the moment.”

09. Savvas – Irreversible (Submarine Vibes)

“This track just came out. I’m haunted by how simple yet effective this track is.. One of my favorites at the moment.. Very few elements yet so deep. Perhaps a good opener, I have yet to try it.”

10. Sasha – Vapour Trails (Kiasmos Remix)(Late Night Tales)

“I recently discovered this track on Sasha’s latest podcast and I can’t stop listening to it. Sublime execution.. One of the best from Kiasmos’s catalogue in my opinion.”

Marino Canal’s ‘Over Under’ album on MOOD Records is already available.

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