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A bit sad message here, still things happen to end and start again and that’s all about life circles. So here is the last EP of our talent FREE.D who is developing now to someone bigger and genre breaking musician already having released the new album as Ka Fu with pretty much attention from the wider audience. Anyway, FREE.D was crafting his skills almost 4 years with us and this EP is a certain point of genuinely done quality sound: super dense and danceable with accurate mind scratching details and some huge deepness after breakdowns. Definitely super strong point in FREE.D bio and this is the end and the beginning of something more powerful at the same time. We are sad and happy wishing FREE.D a wonderful journey. Being also a part of creative team FREE.D is also co-producing other Hidden Vibes musicians and will concentrate more on that part of label work so that you would possibly hear his touch very soon. We play we dance we love!

Release date: January 17th, 2020.


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