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Justin Jay: “Learning and developing are integral to the creative process”

Justin Jay is renowned for his dynamic evolution and seamless integration into various music scenes. Recently, he unveiled ‘Walk Away,’ a UK Garage track and the first single from his highly anticipated album, You Are The One. Released on June 14th via his label Fantastic Voyage, this track serves as a precursor to the album, which is scheduled for release later this summer.

‘Walk Away’ is a profound exploration of personal growth and moving forward, combining compelling beats and melodic intricacies. This track not only showcases Justin’s unique voice and innovative sound but also gives listeners a glimpse of the emotional depth and genre-spanning journey expected from the full album.

Famous for his eclectic musical stylings, Justin has consistently pushed boundaries, from his early days with Dirtybird to his recent ventures with Fantastic Voyage and His releases have garnered support from top talents in the dance music scene, and his performances continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

With an exciting tour schedule and more releases on the horizon, Justin Jay shares insights into his creative process, the vision behind his label, and his thoughts on the current trends in electronic music.

EG: Hi Justin, welcome to EG! From where are you joining us today?

Justin Jay: I am currently in San Diego; I just played a fantastic show here over the weekend!

EG: Lovely! So you just released a new song with Mija, ‘Never Be Alone.’ What can you tell us about the themes and inspirations behind this track?

Justin Jay: Amber and I had been working on a ton of new music together but wanted to explore some trancey inspiration. We started the song after listening to a bunch of ATB, part way through we decided to hop on the mic and sing on the track. She began singing the lyrics of an old rave classic, and I decided to write new lyrics for the track’s second half. For the lyrics, I was inspired by the name of Mija’s label, Never Be Alone, and used that concept to create a response to the original rave lyrics that Amber recorded. It’s such a cute, wholesome duet and has become an emotional highlight in my sets.

EG: Your music has evolved significantly, incorporating various styles. How do you decide which direction to take with each new project, and what inspires you?

Justin Jay: I give myself creative freedom to make whatever I feel. I love discovering new styles of music and think it’s essential to have space to explore whatever piques my interest. Pushing yourself to stay in a narrow box can take all the fun out of making music. Authenticity is what it’s all about.

EG: The new single ‘Never Be Alone’ explores themes of companionship and support. Can you share a personal experience that significantly impacted your music journey and how it influenced this track?

Justin Jay: The lyrics reflect my story with Amber. We’d been friends for a long time but hadn’t seen each other for quite a while since I’d moved from Los Angeles to Boulder, Colorado. I ran into her in March, as her agent had dropped her. She was feeling a bit lost and directionless. I helped guide her artistic journey, and now things are better than ever. Being an artist comes with so many ups and downs, and when times are hard, community becomes incredibly important. I hope the song gives others hope when they feel lost and alone.

My favorite moments in my career are overcoming those fears and putting myself out there even as I’m afraid. It’s so difficult to get out of your way sometimes, and doing that is what being an artist is all about

EG: Fantastic Voyage has been a platform for your innovative and genre-spanning releases. What was the vision behind starting your label, and how has it evolved?

Justin Jay: I started the label with my friends from school because everyone was making great songs that weren’t finding a home. Over time, many of those friends decided to move away from making music. During COVID-19, my label became a significant outlet for many European-based artists who inspired me and my music production students who started blowing me away with their songs. During this period, the central theme for my label was to give artists the space to be themselves, no matter the genre or bpm. Our releases verged from experimental jazz to gabber. Last month, I decided to relaunch Fantastic Voyage with a collab EP I did with Mija. This new chapter will focus the curation on what I like to DJ. I renamed the old catalog Fantastic Trax which will continue to be an outlet for all sorts of chaotic cross-genre releases.

EG: If you could have a superpower related to music, what would it be, and how would you use it to enhance your creative process?

Justin Jay: I would want the power to stop time. I would pause the clock, listen to more music, practice more instruments, learn more theory, and write more music. I feel like so many of my songs get written in a race against the clock while juggling everything. This power would definitely go a long way. Learning and developing are integral to the creative process, and it’s easy to neglect putting in that time.

EG: You’ve mentioned finding inspiration in unexpected places. What’s the most surprising place you’ve found inspiration for a song, and how did it shape the final track?

Justin Jay: I recently released a song called ‘Back to the Groove.’ I was looking up tutorials for leading a drum circle and ended up sampling a YouTube video of two ladies giving a demonstration. The sample inspired everything in the song. I was trying to do a drum circle for an in-person music production class but got too scared to try. Instead, I collaborated with one of my students on the sample to show the class how to be a good collaborator. It was so much fun!

EG: Your live shows and after-parties are known for their energy and spontaneity. How do you consistently bring that infectious energy on stage and keep your performances fresh and exciting?

Justin Jay: Nothing is more satisfying as a DJ than making a new song or discovering a new track and then playing it for people. I love surprising myself, and I think that genuinely translates to the energy behind the decks.

“Being an artist comes with so many ups and downs, and when times are hard, community becomes incredibly important”

EG: Mental health and self-care are crucial topics. How have you found ways to keep yourself centered amidst the chaos of the music industry and world events?

Justin Jay: It’s a constant journey of self-improvement, but for me, the keys are to say “no” when things get too busy, find support through friends/family/ community, and make sure I’m doing the best job of taking care of myself through sleep/diet/exercise.

EG: Teaching and community-building seem to be significant for you. Can you share some successes or memorable moments from your workshops and their impact on you and your students?

Justin Jay: Many of my biggest songs have been inspired by students or tracks I’ve made with them over the past few years. I made ‘Ballz’ to show a student that making music can be silly. ‘Wait for the Drop’ and ‘Back to the Groove’ were student collab tracks. This has happened because I genuinely become friends with the people I meet through teaching. I become a fan of what they do, and we connect so profoundly on a personal level as we face our fears and self-judgment together. It’s one of my absolute favorite parts of music!

EG: Reflecting on your career, what has been a standout moment for you, and what are you most looking forward to with the release of ‘You Are The One’?

Justin Jay: ‘You Are The One’ has been several years in the making. I feel like I’m overcoming my insecurities by finishing this album and sharing it with the world. It feels very vulnerable. Everything gets very scary whenever I sing and write songs from the heart. My favorite moments in my career are overcoming those fears and putting myself out there even as I’m afraid. It’s so difficult to get out of your way sometimes, and doing that is what being an artist is all about.

EG: Finally, is there anything else on the horizon that you’d like to share with us today?

Justin Jay: Lots of new collabs, a new tour this fall, more music classes, and much more chaos and good vibes to come on all fronts 🙂

EG: Thanks for the time, and all the best!

Justin Jay: Thanks for having me!

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