Brett Mauro is a veteran in the DJ/Production business, spanning more than 15 years and always sticking to his sound. Mauro has gained regional popularity by headlining some of the largest clubs in the Southeastern United States with his very unique and distinguished sound. As music continues to evolve and change, Mauro has always stuck to his crafty style by layering deep elements from several tracks and looping them together as if they are one. The outcome is typically a euphoric journey that will leave you wanting more.
He remains in constant demand by the industries top promoters because he consistently pulls crowds in and keeps them satisfied. Mauro is a well respected DJ and person. He also has some magnificent production that will creep into his sets and can be found on his soundcloud page. The complexity and structure of his sets are nothing short of world-class musical architecture.
Recently Brett Mauro moved to the sunny skies of Southern California where he currently resides in Los Angeles. His latest venture has been to team up w/ INMO and curate niche events with some of LA’s top local Djs. You can follow him on Facebook or SoundCloud for his latest events and sounds.
01. Unknown
02. Mind Against – Long Bright Dark
03. Unknown
04. Technophile – & Rolbac – Pandora’s Box
05. Unknown
06. Felipe venegas – Alma Gama
07. Chaim – Nineties (Red Axes Remix)
08. Unknown
09. Frankey & Sandrino – Hydrae
10. Unknown
11. Nick Curly feat Yaccelil – Perpetuo
12. Habischman – The Way (Just Her remix)
13. Stimming – Alpe Lusia (Robag’s Bodelshwing Sovar NB Remix)
14. Unknown