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International Women’s Day: EG Selected Mixes

Ten mixes by selected artists to commemorate International Women’s Day.

Today is International Women’s Day, a day that is all about unity, reflection, advocacy, and action. EG stands by women on this important day with a selection of mixes that reflect their contribution to the world of electronic dance music.

1. EG.910 Sinca

2. EG.908 GIGEE

3. EG.899 Francesca Lombardo

4.EG.886 TERR

5. EG SPOTLIGHT.225 Fátima

6. EG SPOTLIGHT.221 Vešča

7. EG TECHNO.105 Lady Tazz

8. EG TECHNO.097 Camea

9. EG AFTER.108 Lolu Menayed

10. EG AFTER.107 Garance

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